Garlicana website is another pioneer garlic site dealing with USDA accessions and testing out garlics in the Pacific Northwest. Avram Drucker has put a lot of effort into the science of garlic and testing out breeding results from garlic crosses. There is a lot of information on the website including true garlic seed work. Check it out!!
Gourmet Garlic Gardens Special thanks to Bob Anderson for creating a huge learning center for the growing of garlic, variety descriptions and other information including health aspects and chemistry. He also encouraged us to get certified under CNG. Thanks for your help and for being a great resource Bob!!
Ron Engelend The first book on the field identification of garlic groups and scientific organic growing was written by Ron Engelend, back when he was farming in Washington State in 1991, called Growing Great Garlic. That book has been very inspirational for us and a great learning tool. Thanks to Ron for being a pioneer!!
Barbolian Fields Blythe Barbo is a staunch advocate for the expansion of garlic growing, especially in the Pacific Northwest. She occasionally gives small group lectures and organizes informational meetings on the furtherance of garlic. She also operates a website saturated with funny and interesting information on growing garlic and garlic varieties, in addition to selling garlic. Her blog is regularly updated throughout the year with photos of what's happening as time marches on. Blythe is also very helpful and interesting to communicate with. She is always on the lookout for new and hard-to-find garlics. Thanks for all your help Blythe!!
Ted Jordan Meredith Author of The Complete Book of Garlic A Guide for Gardeners, Growers, and Serious Cooks (2008). This book covers a wide range of topics including culinary aspects of garlic in general and individual varieties. The genetics, production, storage, chemistry and much more is covered. Many varieties are listed including copious beautiful photos. This is a more scientific book than has been previously widely available. The bibliography alone has several hundred citations and is a wealth of information. Ted has also written for Seed Savers Exchange including articles on how to grow true garlic seed (2012), not to be confused with bulbs, cloves and bulbils. This book is always within reach when indoors. Thanks for being a great resource Ted!!
Barbara Hellier USDA-ARS A special thanks to Barbara, for traveling to extremely remote areas to find food seed for the future (web clip), including garlic!
Thanks to Sonia and Henry of Boundary Garlic Farm for answering questions and for providing many varieties of bulbils and listing lots of information on garlic on their Canadian website. They grow over a hundred and fifty varieties in British Columbia and are always looking for something new.
Thanks to F. Joseph Peabody, PhD, retired from Brigham Young University, for botanical consultation and for being a lifelong friend!
Thank you to the many people who have talked to us about garlic!!!
Ambrosia OrchardĀ® profile and activity photos at the Certified Naturally Grown website.
The Heirloom Vegetable Archive provides hundreds of variety descriptions and photos for garlic, peppers and tomatoes. Be sure to read the Garlic FAQ. The materials are provided by Jeffrey C. Nekola and hosted by the University of New Mexico also with grant money from the National Science Foundation. Thanks Jeff!!
University of Minnesota Extension has a detailed guide on growing garlic and a smaller one for growing garlic in home gardens.
University of Minnesota Extension also has a slide show on garlic in high tunnels.
ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas) maintains a huge resource for sustainable agriculture. Information available includes downloadable printable guides, on-line resources, grant money, webinars and toll free phone consultation. A wide range of information is available from planting to pest management to organic production and crop maximization for farms of all sizes.
The University of California provides a state-wide extensive on-line resource that includes links to integrated pest management information for many crops and many pests. Be sure to visit the Natural Enemies Gallery.
Cornell University operates The Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic providing diagnostic service and factsheets. The one on garlic diseases provides basic information for diseases and pests and some closeup photos.
If you would like to share photos, information and/or results of your own research or would like us to post a link to your research or informational web page about garlic, use the Contact button. In the Subject area write Submittals. In the Message area tell us what you are interested in and a brief description of your information. If you have photos and want some page space here let us know. If it meets with our approval and furthers the learning about garlic we will send you an email address to upload photos and other information. There is no charge for this and you will retain any copyrights.
We are especially interested in true seed, bulbils and rounds, clinical trials of garlic and cancer research, garlic planting equipment both manual and powered, rare garlic plants and garlic growing in unusual places, but we are open to other ideas as well.